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George Roadman

Founder and CEO

Bill Walsh

George Roadman has spent over 25 years focused on driving rapid growth in the technology industry. Over that time he learned that it is the combination of people, process, and technology that enable organizations to grow rapidly and that the overall system was only as good as the weakest link.

For years, that weakest link was technology itself, often cobbled together and working against the people and process. In 2022 that changed when George discovered and utilized HubSpot as the end-to-end Customer Platform for Owl Cyber Defense. For the first time people, process and technology were working together and the results where astounding; 50% CRM savings, 300% increase in lead conversion, and 15% productivity improvement. It is the Mission of accelant to drive these same results for our Customers by utilizing HubSpot as the Customer Platform driving accelerating growth.

George has held several financial and operational positions across some of the fastest growing technology companies in the World; EMC, PTC, Pivotal, and Owl Cyber Defense.

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